

2.1 DeepWalk (PaperReading)

DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations (KDD’ 14)


  • Unsupervised feature learning
  • Input: graph; Output: Latent representation
  • GNN basic dataset: Zachary’s Karate network
  • one-hot encoding-Sparse; embedding-dense
  • Heterogeneous graphs: graphs that have nodes and edges of different types
  • Relational classification: aims to include relations among entities into the classification process (在一个图中标注一些节点预测其他节点)


  • DeepWalk used a different approach to capture the network topology information. Build robust representations that are suitable for statistical modeling
  • Multi-label classification tasks
  • Scalability (parallel implementation)

Problem Definition

  • G = (V,E) V: vertices, E: edge, E=(V*V) 邻接矩阵
  • G_L = (V, E, X, Y), X \in R^{|V|*S}, S = the size of the feature space for each attribute vector, Y \in R^{|V|*y}, y = the set of labels

Learning Social Representations

  • (short) Random walks
    • Easy to parallelize
    • No need for global recomputation.
  • Language modeling
    • We present a generalization of language modeling to explore the graph through a stream of short random walks.
      • Pr(v_i | (v_1,v_2,…,v_{i-1})): language modeling
    • the prediction problem
      • minimize_\Phi -logPr({v_{i-w},…,v_{i+w}}\v_i | \Phi(v_i)): skipgram(节点没有顺序)


  • DeepWalk = Random walks + Language modeling
  • Language model: corpus + vocalulary
    • Deepwalk: corpus = short truncated random walks; vocalulary = V
  • Algorithm
  • SkipGram:
    • Pr(v_i | (v_1,v_2,…,v_{i-1})) = \Pi^{i+w}_{j=i-w;j!=i} Pr(v_j|\Phi(v_i))
  • Hierarchical Softmax
  • The model parameter set is \theta = {\Phi,\Kai}
  • Parallelizability
  • Algorithm Variants
    • Streaming: without knowledge of the entire graph
    • Non-random walks


  • Datasets: BlogCatalog, Flickr, YouTube
  • Metrics:
    • sample a portion of the labeled nodes(TR)
    • Macro-F1, Micro-F1
  • Results: TR越小,DeepWalk表现地越突出


  • Language modeling is actually sampling from an unobservable language graph.
  • Insights obtained from modeling observable graphs may in turn yield improvements to modeling unobservable ones.