

2.3 Node2Vec (KDD ‘16)

  • node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks (KDD ‘16)


  • Learn a mapping of nodes to a low-dimensional space of features
  • We define a flexible notion of a node’s network neighborhood and design a biased random walk procedure, which efficiently explores diverse neighborhoods.
  • task-independent representations in complex networks


  • representation learning
    • informative, discriminating, and independent features
    • to learn feature representations by solving an optimization problem
    • defining an objective function
  • DeepWalk: rely on a rigid notion of a network neighborhood, which results in these approaches being largely insensitive to connectivity patterns unique to networks
  • Design Goal: homophily + structural equivalence
  • Ours:
    • 2nd order random walk approach
    • Can learn representations that organize nodes based on their network roles and/or communities they belong to.
    • Flexible, giving us control over the search space through tunable parameters.
  • Hand-crafted features
  • Dimensionality reduction technique
    • Laplacian and the adjacency matrices
    • Hard to scale for large networks
  • Representation learning: Skip-gram
  • DeepWalk: no flexible
  • Supervised feature learning: directly minimize the loss function for a downstream prediction task

Feature Learning Framework

  • Skip-gram: 中间词预测周围词
    • Conditional independence: 可以用马尔可夫链
    • Symmetry in feature space: 可以用 softmax
      • negative sampling
      • Hierarchical Softmax
  • Classic search strategies
    • BFS(Breadth-first Sampling ): structural equivalence
    • DFS(Depth-first Sampling): homophily (high variance)
    • In the real-world, these equivalence notions are not exclusive; networks commonly exhibit both behaviors where some nodes exhibit homophily while others reflect structural equivalence.
  • node2vec
    • 2nd order random walk
    • Search bias alpha
      • 0: 返回(从当前节点v走完这一步之后,距离上一节点t的距离为0)
      • 1: 徘徊(从当前节点v走完这一步之后,距离上一节点t的距离为1)
      • 2: 远行(从当前节点v走完这一步之后,距离上一节点t的距离为2)
      • p: return parameters (p大, DFS, 深度优先,探索远方)
      • q: In-out parameter(q大,BFS,宽度有限,探索近邻)
      • Preprocessing: O(n)
      • AliasSample: O(1)采样
  • Learning edge feature
  • Experiments
    • Multi-label classification: 通过已知节点的信息的label来预测未知节点的label
  • Comment
    • 需要大量随机游走序列训练
    • 距离较远的两个节点无法直接相互影响,看不到全图信息
    • 无监督,仅编码图的连接信息,没有利用节点的属性特征