

2.4 Struc2Vec (KDD ‘17)

  • struc2vec: Learning Node Representations from Structural Identity

Key ideas

  • Structural similarity does not depend on hop distance
    • neighbor nodes can be different, far away nodes can be similar
  • Structural identity as a hierarchical concept
    • depth of similarity varies
  • Flexible four step procedure
    • The operational aspect of steps is flexible


  • Step 1: Structural Similarity
    • 设计了一种衡量两个节点Structural Similarity的方法,这个方法只以来与节点(及其邻居)的度有关
    • Hierarchical measure for structural similarity between two nodes
    • R_k(u): set of nodes at distance k from u (ring)
    • s(S): ordered degree sequence of set S
    • g(D1 ,D2): distance between two ordered sequences
      • cost of pairwise alignment: max(a,b) / min(a,b) -1
      • optimal alignment by DTW
    • f_k(u,v): structural distance between nodes u and v considering first k rings
      • f_k(u,v) = f_{k-1}(u,v) + g(s(R_k(u)), s(R_k(v)))
      • g(s(R_k(u)), s(R_k(v))): 在第k个Ring上,u和v的距离
      • f_k(u,v): 在第0-k个Ring上,u和v的距离的和
  • Step 2: Multi-layer Graph
    • Each layer is weighted complete graph
      • corresponds to similarity hierarchies
    • Edge weights in layer k
      • w_k (u,v) = exp{-f_k(u,v)}
      • 把在第k个Ring上u和v的距离映射到Layer k上
    • Connect corresponding nodes in adjacent layers
      • Each vertex is connected to its corresponding vertex in the layer above and below (layer permitting).
      • The edge weight between layers
        • w(u_k,u_{k+1}) = log(\Gamma_k(u) + e)
          • \Gamma_k(u) = \Sigma 1{w_k(u,v)>\bar{w_k}}
          • \Gamma_k(u): The similarity of node u to other nodes in layer k.
          • If u has many similar nodes in the current layer, then it should change layers to obtain a more refined context.
          • By moving up one layer, the number of similar nodes can only decrease.
        • w(u_k,u_{k-1}) = 1
  • Step 3: Generate Context
    • Context generated by biased random walk
      • walking on multi-layer graph
    • Walk in current layer with probability p
      • choose neighbor according to edge weight
      • RW prefers more similar nodes
    • Change layer with probability 1-p
      • choose up/down according to edge weight
      • RW prefer layer with less similar neighbors
  • Step 4: Learn Representation
    • For each node, generate set of independent and relative short random walks
    • Train a neural network to learn latent representation for nodes
      • Skip-gram
      • Hierarchical Softmax


  • struc2vec helps classification based on roles