ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记
Lecture 12.1 zkEVM design, optimization and applications
- Scroll
- A scaling solution for Ethereum
- An EVM-equivalent zk-Rollup
- Background & motivation
- The diagram of Layer 1 blockchain
- Advantages: Secure, Decentralized
- Disadvantages: Expensive, Slow
- Zk-Rollup
- Scroll: a native zkEVM solution
- Advantages: Developer-friendly, Composability
- Disadvantages: Hard to build, Large proving overhead
- zkEVM becomes possible
- Polynomial commitment
- Lookup + Custom gate
- Hardware acceleration
- Recursive proof
- zkEVM flavors (by Justin Drake)
- Language level: Transpile an EVM-friendly language (Solidity or Yul) to a SNARK-friendly VM which differs from the EVM. (“Compiler” EVM to EVM-friendly language)
- Bytecode level: Interpret EVM bytecode directly, though potentially producing different state roots than the EVM, e.g. if certain implementation-level data structures are replaced with SNARK-friendly alternatives. (Scroll)
- Consensus level: It proves validity of L1 Ethereum state roots.
- Scroll: a native zkEVM solution
- The diagram of Layer 1 blockchain
- Build a zkEVM from scratch
- The workflow of zero-knowledge proof
- Program => Constraints => Proof
- Scroll
- Plonkish Arithmetization
- Custom gate
- Permutation
- Lookup argument (range proof & xor, reduce the circuit size)
- How should we choose “front-end”?
- What you need to prove
- zkEVM takes the execution traces as witness and proves it. (spec: constrains)
- The verifier only knows the input tx / world state and the output world state.
- EVM circuit
- Step context: When sADD == 1, pc’ - pc == 1
- Case switch: sADD is binary, sADD == 1, 1-sADD == 0; only one variable is 1.
- Opcode specific witness: prove that a and b are consistent with that have been pushed into EVM.
- RAM circuit (E.g., prove write after read)
- Hash
- Hash is complex calculation
- Hash lookup table: preserve (input, hash) pair; use the hash circuit to prove the lookup table is correct.
- The architecture of zkEVM circuits
- The proof system for zkEVM:
- Two-layer architecture: Aggregation circuit
- The first layer
- The second layer
- Aggregation circuit: prove the proof is valid
- Scroll Implementation
- The first layer is Halo2-KZG (Poseidon hash transcript)
- Custom gate, Lookup support
- Good enough prover performance (GPU prover)
- The verification circuit is “small”
- Universal trusted setup
- The first layer needs to be “expressive”
- EVM circuit has 116 columns, 2496 custom gates, 50 lookups
- Highest custom gate degree: 9
- For 1M gas, EVM circuit needs 2^18 rows (more gas, more rows)
- The second layer is Halo2-KZG (Keccak hash transcript)
- Custom gate, Lookup support (express non-native efficiently)
- Good enough prover performance (GPU prover)
- The final verification cost can be configured to be really small
- The second layer needs to aggregate proofs into one proof
- Aggregation circuit has 23 columns, 1 custom gate, 7 lookups
- Highest custom gate degree: 5
- For aggregating EVM, RAM, Storage circuits, it needs 2^25 rows
- The first layer is Halo2-KZG (Poseidon hash transcript)
- The workflow of zero-knowledge proof
- Interesting problems
- Circuit: Randomness(Random Linear Combination, RLC)
- Using a super circuit includes all small circuits (ECDSA, Keccak, EVM…)
- Circuit: Layout
- Plonkish: layout permutation (in R1CS, we need to implement like if-else)
- Circuit: Dynamic size
- Padding for all circuits to the same rows
- Link all circuits together
- Prover: Hardware & Algorithm
- Our prover
- GPU can make MSM & NTT really fast
- Bottleneck moves to witness generation & data copy
- Need large CPU memory (1TB -> 300GB+)
- Hardware friendly prover?
- Parallelizable & Low peak memory
- Don’t ignore the witness generation
- Run on cheap machines, more decentralized
- Best way to compose different proof system?
- he first layer needs to be “expressive”
- The second layer needs to be verifier efficient (in EVM)
- Should we move to a smaller field?
- (Breakdown/FRI with Goldilocks, Mersenne prime)
- Should we stick to EC-based constructions?
- (SuperNova, Cyclic elliptic curve with fast MSM)
- Security: Audit & Soundness
- The best way to audit zkEVM circuit? (In general, VM circuit based on IR)
- Audit Manually
- Formal verification for some opcodes
- The best way to audit zkEVM circuit? (In general, VM circuit based on IR)
- Our prover
- Circuit: Randomness(Random Linear Combination, RLC)
- Other applications using zkEVM
- zkRollup
- Prove n Txs on layer 2 are valid
- Verify proof in smart contract
- Enshrine blockchain
- Prove layer 1 block directly
- Recursive proof
- One proof for blockchain
- Proof of exploit
- Prove I know a Tx that can change the state root to state root’ (Prove I know a bug that can change your balance, etc)
- Prove to the applications without revealing the bug (to get reward from the application).
- Attestation (“zk oracle”)
- Read state, compute and verify i.e. Axiom (a zk co-processor)
- zkRollup