
ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记

Lecture 14.2 Other ZKP Applications (Yupeng Zhang)

  • ZKP for Machine Learning
    • Zero-knowledge proof without revealing the ML models
      • Fairness of ML models
      • Integrity of ML inferences (The decision is made by the ML model)
    • Challenges
      • Efficiency and Scalability of general-purpose SNARKs
        • scale to <230 = 1 billion gates (64 GB RAM), prover time minutes to hours
      • VGG 16 on CIFAR-10 15 million parameters in the model 1.1 billion gates for an inference
    • Solution: Special-Purpose ZKPs
      • ZKP for Matrix Multiplication [Thaler’13]
      • ZKP for 2-D Convolutions [LXZ’21]

    • Other Related Works on ZKML
      • ZKDT[ZFZD20], vCNN [LKKO20], ZEN [FQZ+21], Mystique [WYX+21], pvCNN [WWT+22], [KHSS22], …
  • ZKP for Program Analysis
    • Zero-knowledge Program Analysis
      • secret program P
      • public function: static analysis algorithm
      • Prove the safety properties of P
    • Zero-knowledge Vulnerability Disclosure
      • secret vulnerability
      • public program
      • Running the program leads to crash
    • Challenges
      • ZKP schemes support circuits.
      • Program analysis is usually RAM computation
    • Solution: Auxiliary Inputs
      • Ask the prover to provide additional data as the input of ZKP
        • Not trusted
        • Not sent to the verifier
        • Significantly improves the efficiency of ZKP
      • Example
        • Prover provides the final state of the list
        • Prover provides head and tail of each step
        • The circuit checks the correctness (offline memory checking [BEGKN’91,Setty’20, …])
    • Related works
      • Static analysis: [FDNZ’21, LAHPTW’22, …]
      • Vulnerabilities: [GHHKPV’22, CHPPT’23, …]
  • ZKP for Middlebox
    • Middleboxes inspect traffic to ensure security policy
    • Zero-Knowledge Middleboxes [GAZBW’22]
    • Challenges
      • Work with TLS 1.3
      • Legacy cryptographic functions such as AES, SHA