
ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记

Lecture 1: Introduction and History of ZKP (Shafi Goldwasser)

1.4 ZK proof of Knowledge

  • PoK
  • Application: Identity Theft [FS86]
    • To identify itself prover proves a hard theorem.
  • All NP is in Zero Knowledge
    • Theorem[GMW86,Naor]: If one-way functions exist, then every L in NP has computational zero knowledge interactive proofs Ideas of the proof
    • Commit Scheme
      • commit(m)->h, decommit(h)->m
  • G3-COLORABLE Example

1.5 Applications in practice and in theory

  • Graph Non-Isomorphism in IP
  • the Fiat-Shamir Paradigm[FS87]