
ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记

Lecture 2 Overview of Modern SNARK Constructions (Dan Boneh)

  • What is a zk-SNARK (intuition)
    • SNARK is a succinct proof that a certain statement is true.
    • The proof is short and fast to verify
    • zk-SNARK: the proof reveals nothing about the privacy of a message
    • Babai-Fortnow-Levin-Szegedy 1991: In this setup, a single reliable PC can monitor the operation of a herd of supercomputers working with unreliable software.
  • Applications
    • Blockchain
      • Scalability: proof-based Rollups (zkRollup)
      • Bridging blockchains: proof of consensus (zkBridge)
      • Private Tx on a public blockchain: zk proof that a private Tx is valid (Tornado cash, Zcash, IronFish, Aleo)
      • Compliance: Proof that a private Tx is compliant with banking laws (Espresso); Proof that an exchange is solvent in zero-knowledge (Raposa)
    • C2PA: a standard for content provenance, T. Datta, 2022 (fighting disinformation)
      • Solve the problem: post-processing (resized photo)
    • A. Naveh and E. Tromer, “PhotoProof: Cryptographic Image Authentication for Any Set of Permissible Transformations,” 2016 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), San Jose, CA, USA, 2016, pp. 255-271, doi: 10.1109/SP.2016.23.
  • Review: Arithmetic circuits
    • Input: n elements in finite field
    • Output: an element in finite field
  • Structured vs. Unstructured circuits
    • An unstructured circuit: a circuit with arbitrary wires
    • M: Micro processor
    • Some SNARK techniques only apply to structured circuits
  • NARK: Non-interactive ARgument of Knowledge
    • A preprocessing NARK is a triple (S, P, V)
    • S(C) -> public parameters (pp,vp) for prover and verifier
    • P(pp, x, w) -> proof $\Pi$
    • V(vp, x, $\Pi$) -> accept or reject
    • requirements (informal)
      • A trivial NARK: $\Pi$ = w
  • SNARK: a Succinct ARgument of Knowledge
    • The trivial NARK is not a SNARK
  • Types of preprocessing Setup
    • Setup of a Circuit C: S(C, r)-> public parameters (pp, vp)
    • for a circuit with ≈$2^{20}$ gates
  • Definitions: knowledge soundness
  • Building an efficient SNARK: General paradigm
    • Step 1: A functional commitment scheme (cryptographic object)
    • Step 2: A compatible interactive oracle proof (IOP)
  • Review: commitment scheme
    • commit(m,r) -> com (r chosen at random)
    • verify(m, com, r) -> accept or reject
    • Properties (Informat):
      • Binding: cannot produce com and two valid openings
      • Hiding: com reveals nothing about committed data
  • Committing to a function: syntax
  • Four important functional commitments
  • Polynomial commitments
  • Examples
    • Using bilinear groups: KZG10(trusted setup), Dory’20
    • Using hash function only: based on FRI
    • Using elliptic curve: Bulletproofs
    • Using groups of unknown order: Dark’20
  • trivial commitment scheme
    • Proof $\Pi$ is not succint: prove size and verification time are all linear to d
    • It is not a polynomial commitment
  • A useful observation
    • Zero test
    • Equality test
    • The equality test protocol
      • Interactive protocol
      • Making it a SNARK (non-interactive)
        • The Fiat-Shamir transform

  • F-IOP
    • boost functional commitment -> SNARK for general circuits

    • Just like the SumCheck Protocol
  • The IOP Zoo
    • Poly-IOP: Sonic, Marlin, Plonk,… (+Poly-Commit)
    • Multilinear-IOP: Spartan, Clover, Hyperplonk,… (+Multilinear-Commit)
    • Vector-IOP: STARK, Breakdown, Orion,… (+Merkle-Commit)