
ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记

Lecture 4: SNARKs via Interactive Proofs (Justin Thaler)

4.1 Interactive Proofs: Motivation and Model

  • Interactive Proofs
    • P solves problem, tells V the answer.
      • Then they have a conversation.
      • P’s goal: convince V the answer is correct.
    • Requirements:
      • Completeness: an honest P can convince V to accept.
      • (Statistical) Soundness: V will catch a lying P with high probability.
      • If soundness holds only against polynomial-time provers, then the protocol is called an interactive argument.
  • Interactive Proofs and Arguments
    • Compare soundness to knowledge soundness for circuit-satisfiability
    • Knowledge soundness is stronger.
  • Public Verifiability
    • Interactive proofs and arguments only convince the party that is choosing/sending the random challenges
    • This is bad if there are many verifiers (as in most blockchain applications).
      • P would have to convince each verifier separately.
    • For public coin protocols, we have a solution: Fiat-Shamir.
      • Makes the protocol non-interactive + publicly verifiable.

4.2 SNARKs from interactive proofs

  • Actual SNARK
    • P commits cryptographically to W.
      • Uses an IP to prove that w satisfies the claimed property.
      • Reveals just enough information about the committed witness wto allow V to run its checks in the IP.
      • Render non-interactive via Fiat-Shamir.
  • Functional Commitments
    • Polynomial commitments
    • Multilinear commitments
    • Vector commitments (e.g., Merkle trees)
  • Merkle trees:
    • The commitment
    • Opening Leaf T
      • Provers need to provide T, C, m4, h1, and k1
        • “Opening proof” size is O(log n) hash values.
    • (Attampt to) Commit to a univariate f(X) in $F_7[X]$
    • Reveal f(4)
    • Problems