
ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记

Lecture 7: Polynomial Commitments Based on Error-correcting Codes (Yupeng Zhang)

7.3 Linear-time encodable code based on expanders

  • SNARKs with linear prover time
  • Linear-time encodable code [Spielman’96][Druk-Ishai’14]
    • Bi-parties graph
    • Left nodes: message
    • Right nodes: codeword = sum of the connected node in the left (summation of the values of the its neighbers)
  • Lossless Expander
  • In the real definition, we just relax the conditions
  • Overview of the recursive encoding
    • $\Alpha = 1/2$ means the number of right nodes is the half of the left nodes.
    • How to encode a 2/k message into 2k codeword $c_1$
      • Recursive encoding! Use the same procedure.

      • constant relative distance: $\Delta’ = min{\Delta, \frac{\delta}{4g}}$
        • Proof
          • Recall

- Prove

  • How to construct the lossless expander in practise
    • [Capalbo-Reingold-Vadhan-Wigderson’2002]: Explicit construction of lossless expander (large hidden constant)
      • Random sampling: 1/poly(n) failure probability
    • Brakedown [Golovnev-Lee-Setty-Thaler-Wahby’21]: random summations with better concrete distance analysis
    • Orion [Xie-Zhang-Song’22]: expander testing with a negligible failure probability via maximum density of the graph
  • Putting everything together
    • Polynomial commitment (and SNARK) based on linear code
    • Pros:
      • Transparent setup: O(1)
      • Commit and Prover time: O(d) field additions and multiplications
      • Plausibly post-quantum secure
      • Field agnostic
    • Cons:
      • Proof size: O($\sqrt{d}$)