
ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记

Lecture 9: SNARKs based on Linear PCP (Yupeng Zhang)

  • SNARKs learned so far
  • Earliest Implemented SNARKs
    • Pros
      • Shortest proof size (3 elements [Groth16])
      • Fast verifier (bilinear pairing)
    • Cons
      • FFT and group exponentiations on the prover
      • Circuit-specific trusted setup
  • History of SNARKs

9.1 Quadratic Arithmetic Program (QAP)

  • Recall: SNARKs for circuit-satisfiability
  • Transcript/trace of Circuit
    • Interactive proof (lecture 4, slide 76): value of every gate
    • Plonk (lecture 5, slide 42): left input, right input, output of every gate
    • QAP: input + output of every multiplication gate
  • QAP
    • Ignore the output of the addition gates
    • Labeling multiplication gates
    • Selector Polynomials
      • $l_i(x)$: is $c_i$ the left input of gate 𝑗, for 𝑗 = 1,2,3?
        • Examples:

For $l_1(x)$:
- 3 is the left input of gate 1? Yes! -> 1
- 3 is the left input of gate 2? No! -> 0
- 3 is the left input of gate 3? No! -> 0

For $l_3(x)$:
- 1 is the left input of gate 1? No! -> 0
- 1 is the left input of gate 2? No! -> 0
- 1 is the left input of gate 3?
- Yes! -> 1
- Because “1” is the input of the addition gate, and the addition gate is the left input of gate 3

- Properties of the selector polynomials

- More Selector Polynomials
- $r_i(x)$: is $c_i$ the right input of gate 𝑗, for 𝑗 = 1,2,3?

- $o_i(x)$: is $c_i$ the output of gate 𝑗, for 𝑗 = 1,2,3?

- Master polynomial

- Vanishing polynomial

  • Circuit-SAT to QAP [GGPR13, PGHR13]

    • The table is sparse.

9.2 From QAP to SNARK

  • Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (PCP)
  • IPCP [Kalai-Raz’08] and IOP [Ben-Sasson-Chiesa-Spooner’16]
  • Polynomial IOP [Bünz-Fisch-Szepieniec’20]
  • Linear PCP [Ishai-Kushilevitz-Ostrovsky’07]
  • QAP and Linear PCP
    • We don’t use random checks.
  • Key Generation
    • The $c_i$ and $q(x)$ are private
    • The selector polynomials and the vanishing polynomial are public.
    • The circuit can be pre-processed. (The preprocessing phase is circuit-dependent)
  • Prove
  • Verify
  • Towards the real protocol
    • Q1: How to make sure $\pi_1$ is computed from $g^{l_i(\tau)}$
      • Solution: Knowledge of Exponent assumption (KoE) or Generic Group Model (GGM)
      • Recall: KoE
      • Recall: GGM
    • Q2: how to make sure the same $c$ is used in $\pi_1$,$\pi_2$ and $\pi_3$?
      • Solution
    • Q3: What about public input and output?
      • $I_{mid}$: secret witness
      • $I_{io}$: public input and public output
  • Putting everything together
  • Properties of SNARK [PGHR13]

9.3 Other variants

  • Rank-1-Constraint-System (R1CS)
    • QAP
    • R1CS:
      • Advantages
        • Can support generalized constraints or gates
        • more convenient to use in practice
      • Matrix View of R1CS
  • Groth16
    • Combine the $\pi_3$, $\pi_4$, $\pi_5$ of [PGHR13] together
      • $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are secret keys in the trusted key generation, and $g^\alpha$ and $g^\beta$ are public parameters for the prover and the verifier
      • $\pi_3$: move the $\Sigma_{i=1}^m c_i \times o_i(x)$ to the right side of the equation -> $\Sigma_{i=1}^m c_i \times o_i(x) + V(x)q(x)$
    • Change the keygen accordingly
    • Proof size: 3 group elements, 144 bytes
    • Verifier time: 1 pairing equation
  • Achieving Zero-Knowledge
    • The above is not zero-knowledge, because the adversary can infer some information by brute force attack.
    • Solution: add some random values (times the vanishing polynomial)
      • The [PGHR13] version: