
ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记

Lecture 10: Recursive SNARKs, Aggregation and Accumulation (Dan Boneh)

10.1 Introduction and Applications of Recursive SNARKs

  • Recall: SNARK algorithms
    • A preprocessing SNARK is a triple (S, P, V):
      • $S(C)$ -> public parameters (pp, vp) for prover and verifier
      • $P(pp, x, w)$ -> proof $\pi$
      • $V(vp, x, \pi)$ -> accept or reject
  • SNARK types
    • Groth16, Plonk-KZG: short proofs, but prover time is O(n log n)
    • FRI-based proofs (as well as Breakdown, Orion, Orion+, …): faster prover, but longer proofs
  • Two level SNARK recursion: proving knowledge of a proof
    • Inner proof: prove P knows w
    • Outer proof: prove P’ knows $\pi$
  • Application
    • proof compression
      • fast overall prover, and final proof is short(used to prove complex statements)
    • Knowledge sound
    • Another difficulty: random oracles
    • streaming proof generation
      • zk-Rollup

    • Layer-3 zk-Rollups
    • Incrementally Verifiable Computation (IVC)
      • Incrementally Verifiable Computation or Proofs of Knowledge Imply Time/Space Efficiency [Valiant’08]

      • The statement at step number i
      • Applications of IVC
        • Break a long computation into a sequence of small steps
          • F: one microprocessor step (Risc5, EVM, …)
          • Prover needs far less memory per step compared to a monolithic proof
        • A succinct proof that the current state of blockchain is correct

- Verifiable Delay Functions (VDF): succinct proof that $s_n$ is equal to $H^{(n)}(s_0)$

  • Application 5: a market for ZK provers

10.2 Choosing Curves to Support Recursion

  • Recursive SNARK
  • Algebraic Groups
    • $F_q^l$: an element $F_q^l$ is a $l$ elements tuple of $F_q$
  • Recursive proofs: the arithmetic problem
    • What to do?
    • Solution: a chain of groups

    • Even better: a cycles of groups [BCTV’14]

    • Three types of cycles of length two