
ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记

Lecture 8: FRI-based Polynomial Commitments and Fiat-Shamir (Justin Thaler)

8.1 Polynomial-IOP and Polynomial Commitment Schemes

  • Recall: build an efficient SNARK
  • Recall: Polynomial-IOP
    • P’s first message in the protocol is a polynomial h.
    • V does not learn h in full.
      • The description size of h is as large as the circuit
    • Rather, V is permitted to evaluate h at one point.
    • After that, P and V execute a standard interactive proof.
  • Recall: Polynomial Commitment Scheme
    • High-level idea:
      • P binds itself to a polynomial h by sending a short string Com(h)
      • V can choose x and ask P to evaluate h(x)
      • P sends y, the purported evaluation, plus a proof $\pi$ that y is consistent with Com(h) and x.
    • Goals:
      • P cannot produce a convincing proof for an incorrect evaluation.
      • Com(h) and $\pi$ are short and easy to generate; $\pi$ is easy to check.
  • Recall: Three classes of Polynomial IOPs
    • Based on interactive proofs (IPs)
    • Based on multi-prover interactive proofs (MIPs)
    • Based on constant-round polynomial IOPs
      • Examples: Marlin, PlonK.
  • Recall: Three classes of Polynomial commitments
    • Based on pairings + trusted setup (not transparent nor post-quantum)
      • e.g., KZG10
      • Unique property: constant sized evaluation proofs
    • Based on discrete logarithm (transparent, not post-quantum)
      • Examples: IPA/Bulletproofs, Hyrax, Dory
    • Based on IOPs + hashing (transparent and post-quantum)
      • e.g., FRI, Ligero, Brakedown, Orion
    • Note:
      • Classes 1. and 2. are homomorphic.
        • Leads to efficient batching/amortization of P and V costs (e.g., when proving knowledge of several different witnesses).
      • The three classes are listed in an increasing verification cost.
  • Highlights of SNARK Taxonomy
    • Transparent SNARKs
      • [Any polynomial IOP] + IPA/Bulletproofs polynomial commitment.
        • Ex: Halo2-ZCash
        • Pros: Shortest proofs among transparent SNARKs
        • Cons: Slow V (linear time)
      • [Any polynomial IOP] + FRI polynomial commitment.
        • Ex: STARKs, Fractal, Aurora, Virgo, Ligero++
        • Pros:
          • Shortest proofs amongst plausibly post-quantum SNARKs.
          • More flexibility for what field you work over
        • Cons: Proofs are large (100s of KBs depending on security)
      • MIPs and IPs + [fast-prover polynomial commitments].
        • Ex: Spartan, Brakedown, Orion, Orion+(HyperPlonk)
        • Pros: Fastest P in the literature, plausibly post-quantum + transparent if polynomial commitment is.
        • Cons: Bigger proofs than 1. and 2. above
    • Non-transparent SNARKS
      • Linear-PCP based:
        • Ex: Groth16
        • Pros: Shortest proofs (3 group elements), fastest V.
        • Cons: Circuit-specific trusted setup, slow and space-intensive P, not postquantum
      • Constant-round polynomial IOP + KZG polynomial commitment:
        • Ex: Marlin-KZG, PlonK-KZG
        • Pros: Universal trusted setup.
        • Cons: Proofs are ~4x-6x larger than Groth16, P is slower than Groth16, also not post-quantum.
          • Counterpoint for P: can use more flexible intermediate representations than circuits and R1CS.