
ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记

Lecture 11: From Practice to Theory (Guest Lecturer: Alex Lombardi)

11.1 The Feasibility of Interactive ZK

  • SMPC: semi-honest protocol + ZKP = malicious protocol
    • Parties use ZKP to prove that they follow the protocol
  • Theoretical Research on Cryptographic Proofs
    • Feasibility (do they exist in principle?)
      • SNAR(G/K)s, other protocols (ZK, WI, WH, etc.)
      • Strong attack models (Concurrent? Quantum?)
    • Minimize Assumptions (to the extent possible)
      • Trusted setup (CRS/URS/plain model)
      • Security reduction based on simple, well-studied, falsifiable assumptions. Improve efficiency
    • Amount of communication, number of rounds
      • Prover/verifier efficiency
  • Example: Interactive ZK
    • No trusted setup allowed: Security against Malicious verifier is hard to guarantee.
    • ZK for NP [GMW86] with inverse poly soundness error.
    • Optimization
      • Sequential repetition works (but very inefficient).
      • Parallel repetition reduces soundness error but may not preserve ZK

- [DNRS99]: If you can do Fiat-Shamir for $\Pi$, then $\Pi$ wasn’t malicious-verifier ZK.

  • Many lines of research devoted to understanding the feasibility of interactive ZK.
    • How many communication rounds? [BKP18] suggests that you can do it in 3.
    • How efficient can you make the prover? [IKOS07, …]
    • Stronger forms of security: quantum attacks, concurrency