
ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记

Lecture 11: From Practice to Theory (Guest Lecturer: Alex Lombardi)

11.4 Use CI to instantiate Fiat-Shamir

  • Avoid Bad Challenges
    • Def: Given false claim $x$ and a first message $\alpha$, a challenge $\beta$ is “bad” if there exists a prover message $gamma$ making $V$ accept
    • We want to say: if the (3 message) interactive protocol is sound, then (for all $x$, $\alpha$) most $\beta$ are not bad. True for statistically sound IPs.
    • Exactly what CI is good for! Define relation $R_x = {\alpha, \beta: \beta is bad}$. Then if $h$ is CI for $R_x$ (when $x \notin L$), $\Pi_{FS}$ is sound using $h$!
    • Protocols with more than 3 messages: round-by-round soundness (each round has a type of “bad challenge” to avoid).
    • Main technical challenges:
      • Sometimes our IP doesn’t have statistical soundness.
      • We can only build CI for relations $R$ that can be decided efficiently
  • Important example: SNARGs via IOPs (PCPs)
    • SNARGs from PCPs [Kilian, Micali]
      • Candidate SNARG: apply Fiat-Shamir to this protocol!
      • Simplified (less efficient) version of modern SNARKs you’ve learned about.
      • Not statistically sound, so it’s not clear how to analyze FS without random oracles.
    • SNARGs for Batch NP
    • Interactive Batch Arguments from PCPs [CJJ21]
      • SSB Commitments
      • Interactive Batch Arguments from PCPs [CJJ21]

  • Summary of Fiat-Shamir without RO
    • Use hash functions that are CI for appropriate functions/relations
      • [CCHLRRW19,PS19,BKM20,JJ21,HLR21]
    • Carefully show that FS-soundness for protocols of interest follows from compatible forms of CI
      • [CCHLRRW19]: (non-succinct) NIZK
      • [JKKZ21]: non-interactive sumcheck protocol
      • [CJJ21]: batch NP arguments
    • Open problems:
      • Characterize which protocols can be FS-compiled (we know it doesn’t work in general [Bar01, GK03])
      • SNARGs for NP from falsifiable assumptions?