Maximum Flow Problem

ShusenWang 图数据结构和算法课程笔记


  • Maximum Flow Problem
    • Description

    • Naive Algorithm
      • Residual = Capacity - Flow
      • Left: Original Graph
      • Right: Residual Graph

      • Bottleneck capacity = 2

      • Iteration 2:
        • Find an augmenting path: s -> v_1 -> v_3 -> t
        • Update residuals

- Remove saturated edge
- Iteration 3:
- Find an augmenting path: s -> v_1 -> v_4 -> t
- Update residuals

- Remove saturated edge
- Iteration 4:
- Cannot find an augmenting path: end of procedure
- Summay
- Inputs: a weighted directed graph, the source 𝑠, and the sink 𝑡.
- Goal: Send as much water as possible from 𝑠 to 𝑡
- Constraints:
- Each edge has a weight (i.e., the capacity of the pipe).
- The flow must not exceed capacity.
- naïve algorithm
- Build a residual graph; initialize the residuals to the capacity.
- While augmenting path can be found:
- a. Find an augmenting path (on the residual graph.)
- b. Find the bottleneck capacity 𝑥 in the augmenting path.
- c. Update the residuals. (residual ← residual − 𝑥.)
- The naïve algorithm can fail
- The naïve algorithm always finds the blocking flow.
- However, the outcome may not be the maximum flow.

  • Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
    • Problem with the naïve algorithm
    • Procedure

    • Worst-Case Time Complexity
    • Summary
      • Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
        • Build a residual graph; initialize the residuals to the capacities
        • While augmenting path can be found:
          • Find an augmenting path (on the residual graph.)
          • Find the bottleneck capacity 𝑥 on the augmenting path.
          • Update the residuals. (residual ← residual − 𝑥.)
          • Add a backward path. (Along the path, all edges have weights of 𝑥.)
      • Time complexity: 𝑂(𝑓⋅𝑚). (𝑓 is the max flow; 𝑚 is #edges.)
  • Edmonds-Karp Algorithm
    • Procedure
      • Build a residual graph; initialize the residuals to the capacities.
      • While augmenting path can be found:
        • Find the shortest augmenting path (on the residual graph.)
        • Find the bottleneck capacity 𝑥 on the augmenting path.
        • Update the residuals. (residual ← residual − 𝑥.)
        • Add a backward path. (Along the path, all edges have weights of 𝑥.)
    • Note: Edmonds-Karp algorithm uses the shortest path from source to sink. (Apply weight 1 to all the edges of the residual graph.)
    • Time complexity: $O(m^2 \cdot n)$ . (m is #edges; n is #vertices.)
  • Dinic’s Algorithm
    • Time complexity: $O(m \cdot n^2)$ . (m is #edges; n is #vertices.)
    • Key Concept: Blocking Flow
    • Key Concept: Level Graph

    • Procedure

      • On the level graph, no flow can be found!
      • End of Procedure
    • Summary
      1. Initially, the residual graph is a copy of the original graph.
      2. Repeat:
      3. Construct the level graph of the residual graph.
      4. Find a blocking flow on the level graph.
      5. Update the residual graph (update the weights, remove saturated edges, and add backward edges.)
    • Time complexity: $O(m \cdot n^2)$ . (m is #edges; n is #vertices.)
  • Minimum Cut Problem
    • statement

      • Capacity (S, T) = sum of weights of the edges leaving S.
      • In the figure, three edges leave S.
        • Capacity (S,T) = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6

- Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem
- In a flow network, the maximum amount of flow from s to t is equal to the capacity of the minimum s-t cut.
- In short, amount of max-flow = capacity of min-cut.

- Algorithm
- Run any max-flow algorithm to obtain the final residual graph.
- E.g., Edmonds–Karp algorithm or Dinic’s algorithm.
- Ignore the backward edges on the final residual graph
- Find the minimum s-t cut (S,T) :
- On the residual graph, find paths from source 𝑠 to all the other vertices.
- S ← all the vertices that have finite distance. (Reachable from s.)
- T ← all the remaining vertices. (Not reachable from s.)
- Example